Japanese/English Bilingual Education– The tools of the trade

As I've said previously, we are raising our sidekick to speak Japanese and English. Since we live in Japan and both my hubs and I speak English fluently, we've been golden. But, throwing in that proverbial cog, we are moving to India in a matter of weeks, so I've been assembling a tool box for... Continue Reading →

My toddler is good at many things, including making me angry.

I never really knew anger until I became a mother. For as long as I can remember I have done whatever it takes to avoid conflict, be it extracting myself from uncomfortable situations or nodding & smiling when most people would shout. Maybe it's disingenuous, but it gives me a sense of control over my... Continue Reading →

That time we got into nursery school in Tokyo

Anyone familiar with the situation of nursery schools in Tokyo will understand how triumphant it felt to get accepted. For those who are unfamiliar with it, simply put there are not enough daycare centers to meet the demand, with over 47,000 children being waitlisted just this year. Our story begins at the local ward office. I approached... Continue Reading →

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